AISonic™ White Goods Standard Solution
Looking to Voice-Enable your Smart Home Appliances?
Introducing AISonic™ White Goods Standard Solution
The opportunities for voice integration of white goods devices have been challenging on multiple fronts. The Knowles Standard Solution includes a strong suite of audio front-end algorithms that allow a consumer's voice to be heard in noisy kitchens or utility rooms. The Knowles DSP can also run an edge ASR for local command and control and reduce network connectivity latency. This kit is built upon Knowles industry-leading AISonic™ Audio Edge Processor IA8201 recognized for its performance for far-field voice processing.
The AISonic™ White Goods Standard Solution Package balances scalability and flexibility to bring ease of integration across a myriad of embedded platforms. The kit features two options, one that works with an embedded MCU found in entry-level appliances and another with an AP with a touch HUI. IA8201 reference board is accompanied with a SW package that includes an API supporting integration with an embedded MCU running an RTOS or Android on the AP. The SW package also includes firmware release configured to support for any sensors and pre-integrated microphones from Knowles, enabling the highest quality audio capture.
Full far-field always listening algorithm with 4 mics consumes 32mW
-Improve Time to Market
-Flexible and Scalable
-Wake-on Voice
-Low Power
-Industry Leading DSP
Looking to voice-enable your applications with Knowles? Visit the myKnowles portal for resources, including solution kits, product briefs, discussion forums and more.
Please download our complimentary whitepaper on technical considerations of adding Voice: